Sunday, 28 April 2013

Shirts off silence

sorry about the radio silence gang, been doing a bit of everything this week, real life included!
big news is i not only have the crusher bsb and muso done and undercoated, i also spent the last couple nights on the 9 nurgle knights + exalted, and theyre all done too.
even lil papa got some g/s love, a new arm and a vile patch or two, but one more push and hes all done bar wings. will do an update with pics next once everythings done, but not undercoated.

also got a couple of games in, first was with gordon, 2400 battleline, my latest ong double trouble vs his woc. he had 2x5 wolves, 2x5 khorsemen, 18 ish kwar, 4 crushers, dprince, chim, 16ish nwar with bsb and death l2

gordon goes first, and it looks like so. all those lovely woc units packed together 16" in front of my manglers, mmm.

cant reach em though, and trolls go up to block horsemen. one unit slips past and detonates a mangler, the other khorsemen kill troll and overrun onto the other mangler. i shoot 3 wounds off the dprince before it and the chim charge into the trukk. i challenge him out with a unit champ and take a few wounds off the chim. 

one pumper polishes off the chim, while the warboss falls to dprince over two rounds. remaining troll remains a nuisance, redirecting kwar into building. shooting kills a crusher or two

both pumpers go into dprince, rolling 20 impact hits and taking him out. thats why i take s5 sammy :p chariot tries to redirect crushers, my chaff on the left deal with his. i also foot all the nwarriors

 crushers kill chariot, but remain in the trukk arc and charge in the flank. i stay steadfast over a couple rounds, but eventually lose the entire unit

 i try through pumpers into crushers, but one goes out of control into my savages, and the other blows up in the forest. i dickmove the spiders to get kwar placed where i want. the other pumper then blows up in the same forest, and the lone crusher charges into savages and is pulped

manage to shoot both lone characters, and i bait the kwar into a bad position with spiders and get the flank with savages. win, but dont catch em, and thats a victory to the greenskins, thanks to all my warmachines being alive for once + the savage pt sink

then off to gregs for a game. yep, its woc and tk. this is a new variant ive been trying out, dropping the l4 and a crusher to fit a l3 dprince with bells and whistles. solid and unsubtle. gregs dropped his horsemen, titan and chariots for 3 units of 3 chariots. watchtower with the kwar in there, gregs got stalkers and both scorps in reserve.

he moves up, i move up, pretty exciting stuff. i get a fleshy abundance on kwar and lose all my spells bar plaguewind

here we are, moving around. gregs shooting a couple kwar every turn, and kills a crusher with the casket i think.

one scorp come up and i charge it with twar. nknights make short work of kitty, and bottom most chariots when they come in the next round. dprince torches half a unit of archers and his delayed by a scorp. up top 3 crushers res out 4 knights, turn to face the chariots, and wipe em out in my turn.

dprince eventually makes it to the casket, kills it, and takes 3 wounds. lol. stalkers come up and stalk a crusher, twar actually kill kitty in 2nd round of combat, then i roll a 6 on turn 4 and its a solid victory to the woc.

i seemed to have shaken my pooey dice patch, but greg had some terrible dice this game. i am growing to like the woc list, although not having a scroll will ruin xmas at some pt when i get in the way of a mindrazor. not to mention all the usual dprince risks.
so got a couple of 2999 pt games the next couple days, and some wip pics so more to come soon!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Take it off thurs: 2999 pt edition

so greg bought his 2999 list round, and i smashed out a couple other 2999 lists from what i had.
first up was empire and watchtower, with me winning the roll. top to bottom i had a cannon, 10 gunners, stank behind the forest, 10 more gunners in the watchtower, 32 greatswords with priest and hunter, with a detachment of 16 swordsmen, 38 halberds with dual l4's - light and shadow - and bsb, hellblaster, 10 ic knights with priest and general, and another cannon. greg has the usual.

shooting doesnt do much too much, 1 wound on bottom kitty, 4 on top, no wounds with the hellblaster. in return greg sends a scorp into the tower, losing 2 wounds to the s&s i think. gunners hold the building. he shoots a wound off all my warmachines. snakes go into stank

i do a wound to the titan, but not much else. i think i kill the scorp when it charges the tower again. greatswords make a beeline for the tower. stalkers come up and stalk the blaster. titan charges the tower, but cant dislodge the plucky gunners. harchers kill a cannon, and snakes get a few wounds through over many rounds, but are ground out

i magic two of the stalkers off, move the greatswords to striking distance, while the knights make a charge on the kitty and 6 it off, reforming for the inevitable and to block the chariots from getting into the greatswords. 

titan kills the last of the gunners in the tower, and the other scorp goes to block greatswords. chaiots kill all the knights, but greg forgets about my stubborn hat. he doom and darknessessess the greatswords, but cant shoot enough to force a panic. last stalker tries to stalk the cannon, but is rear charged by the swordsmen, who cant wound it and are chased down after three rounds. sigh. 

i charge the witch hunter out into the scorp and move into the building. gote is kb'd out by cursed blades on the chariots. last unit of gunners fights off the harchers though. i think the kitty goes into the stank and has its last wound taken, or i shoot it, either way, the titan is up next and gets it down to its last wound.
 then he doom and darknessessesss the greatswords again, shoot the witch hunter which has kilt the scorp, and panic the greatswords out the building. 

he continues to charge em off and shoot them, while the chariots kill a cannon and reform. i self destruct the stank, but fail to do any wounds to the titan and thats a victory to the tk

 super frustrating, with lots of good and bad luck on both sides. theres something to be said about 2xl4+casket+titan in the magic phase.
 so we racked up again and i scribbled out a woc list. top to bottom ive got 9 monurgle knights with mr3 exalted, hounds, chimera, bells and whistles monurgle dprince, 2 mon chariots, kwarriors, twarriors, and 5 crushers. i think it was a battleline with greg going first

as usual, he shoots all me dogs, and the usual chariot/chimera stare off begins. i turn me knights to face the harchers, and a new stare off begins, this time with crushers/kittys. i get a regen on the chimera and greg cant hurt it with shooting. casket though, does 3 wounds. 

he moves back, i move up and throw a couple long charges with the chim and dprince into each unit. chim was probably unwise as the longer charge, but prince goes in and eats the death mage in a challenge, and rezes/thunderstomps out a bunch more. at this point my dprince miscasts and is a l2 with miasma and the t test. knights charge and make short work of the harchers, reforming for a merry chase of the snakes

 then the scorp goes into the flank of chim and i hold and die. sigh. one kitty goes into the dprinces flank, i res out the unit, chariot comes into the flank next round and pop it. much reforming is done, board wide. i make another error in a long charge with the warriors to support, putting them right in front of the chariots.

then, starting with a heartbreaking spirit leech, he rolls a 6 and my dprince rolls a 1, fails all his wards, and dies. chariots and stalkers kill kwar, other chariot dies too somehow.  he also does exactly the same thing to my nherald, who could pass a ward to save his life on the same dice roll of 6 vs 1.

crushers and knights decide there are no long charges, and that its time to go home, crushers thanking the twar for the lovely dinner party, and inviting them around.

boo greg. at least i know i made the right decision taking ong to rockhammer. plus its the only painted 2999pt list i have. speaking of which, here are the most recent additions to that list:

a pair of home made chukkas, that literally fell off the back of a steg. some more spiders, testing out a nurgle colour theme on them, a unit filler for the sorcbuns, and a bfsp troll with an old stone troll head, cos we all know how i love them single trolls again. in the background are the monurgle knights and pair of crushers waiting for the greenstuff love. soon... soon..

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Take it off tuesdays - ong vs tk

off to gregs last night, this time practicing with 2999 pt lists for an upcoming tournament.
top to bottom ive got 2 chukkas, a wolf chariot, ronald reagan, two doom divers and a lobba, 5 spiders, savages, troll, trukk, spiderboss, mangler, troll, 6 pack of trolls, spiderboss, chariot, lobba, mangler and more spiders. so the usual + reagan + more chaff
gregs got 4 snakes, kitty, scorp, both archers with a l4 in each, casket, chariots with death mask lord shenanigans, titan, kitty, scorp and harchers, with stalkers in reserve. he goes first and this is how it looks in deployment.

and heres a photo of my magic phase. greg shot at the red spiders, killing one, i scroll doom and dorkness, and biff all my dice at casket. we both have pretty big magic phases,  until i drop my l4 down the hole t2. all my shooting does nothing, but i do get a big hand on reagan, getting him way upfield. spiders charge his scorp and hold first round

stalkers come up and stalk the chariot at the top. shoots a mangler and caskets two wounds off a spiderboss. throws a 2" purple sun which both my spiders navigate. spider breaks from scorp, after doing 2 wounds. i dickmove with the wounded spiderboss, and move the other towards his wizards. i hand reagan to the side of the unit too, and if a foot that halves the chariots, while a mangler gets close

miss a turn here, but i chukka two stalkers before dying to snakes and last stalker. greg jumps his wizzies to the back unit and reforms to block reagan. kills one spiderboss, but the other and reagan  res out the archers, and reagan reforms to face incoming kitty. heirotitan has moved up, and i try throw a chariot in front of the harchers. savages turn to face the incoming snakes. mangler goes through chariots, halving them again 

chariot loses and flees from harchers. both single trolls charge titan, one dies, the other holds and does two wounds the next round. i doom diver the last stalker. regan loses three wounds vs the kitty, but despite a doom and darkness on him, holds on a 3 and rezes kitty out next round, turning to face bunker. spiderboss goes in to stop wizzies bailing out, and dodges the killing blows from cursed blades.

here, his chaff kills mine on the back, the savages go in and tear the snakes apart over two rounds. trukk and trolls join the titan combat, with my warboss smashing all three wounds and overrunning into the kitty who had failed to charge the spiderboss, and blocked his own chariots. trukk might have lost that combat, but held. reagan and spiderboss crumble out hierophants unit, and turn to charge casket, after both passing an i test from the purple sun still floating about

casket does a couple wounds to reagan, but none from the explosion when he kills it. game ends, and its a victory to the ong!

thanks in no small part, to some good dice on my part, and terrible dice for greg. it wasnt all bad though, he had mainly max magic phases, and my significant waaghtillery investment didnt do very much.

but heres the list im about to submit:

orc warboss, 4++, +1 to hit sword, stubborn hat, shield
orc l4, scroll, ii, opal amulet

blorc big boss, bsb, 4++, charmed shield

sorc l1, shrunken head

blorc big boss, mr1, fear sword

spiderboss, la&s, spear, dragonhelm

spiderboss, la&eshield, spear, dragonbane gem

2x5 spiders

30 sorcbuns, fc, ahw

33 boys, fc, hw&s

6 trolls

2x1 trolls

2x1 wolf chariots

2x1 spear chukkas

2x lobba

2x dd

2x mangler


been building the missing parts of this list - single troll, sorc unit filler, 5 more spiders, 2x chukkas, just got a lil bit of greenstuffing to do before i can start painting em, so updates soon. also assembled 9 chaos knights and a mounted exalted, ready to start greenstuffing, and almost finished assembling the mdf terrain we won at vicc, its all go here, i tells ya  

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Listy list lists: a full round up

off to an unsurprisingly warhammery related start to my unemployment, ive gone through all me army books and crunched new/refined lists for em all. apart from doc, because quite frankly; daemons=boo. too many lists for one man!

so for your persual - and also for me to have all my current lists in the same place lol- c&c away:

double trouble ong:

orc warboss, 4++ armour, shield, stubborn hat, sostriking
orc l4, iicon, oamulet

blorc big boss, bsb, 4++, cshield
sorc l1, shrunken head
blorc big boss, mr1 talisman, fear sword
gobbo big boss, la&s spear, dragonhelm

5 spiders
30 boys, fc, hw&s
24 sorcbuns, fc, ahw

2x1 troll
2x1 chariot
2x chukka

2x dd
2x lobba
2x mangler
2x p/w, s5, 4d6

so in an about face of the previous ong thinking, ive gone back to the 'more easy pts' approach, as it has both the potential to give away more, but also to take more from my opponent,
i love troll units, dont get me wrong, but sometimes they're a liability. plus it was the only way to free up pts to keep in the same direction. ive been back and forth about pumpers since the book came out, but after seeing how the key parts of this list perform now, i think they can fill a gap. and sorry sammy, im gonna stick with the s5. much better for soften up big units the sorcbuns wouldnt want to tangle with. chukkas i lol at usually, but what they hey. with all these dprinces and m/c about, why not. 
so there we have it, bar the pumps and chukkas its a list of my favourite things from the ong book, that just happen to fit into 2400.

next a couple lists you'll never really hear me talk about. the most hypothetical of the lot, given i dont own any and vc are prolly next for me. although in saying that, i do have ub versions, so you never know...


smaster, l4, 4++, scroll, iicon

bruiser, bsb, 4++ armour, relic blade
firebelly, hellheart, ahw

7 bulls, fc, ifists
7 guts, fc, boswiftness

3x tusks
6 meaters, harmour, 4x ahw - scout, stubborn
4 mfang, harmour, ifists, muso
5 belchers, muso


a lil bit of everthing. this was written not long after the book came out, and bar a few tweaks has stayed the same since. i think it has potential.


l4, erod

prince, 4++ armour, shield, flail
necrotect, oamulet, iicon
l2, light, scroll

30 archers, standard
14 archers, muso
13 archers, muso
5 horse archers
3 chariots

4 knights, fc
32 t/guard,fc
3 stalkers

skullapult, skulls of the foe

id never played against new tkings until i got to australia, and now thanks to greg ive played them a lot. while i think his 2xkitty/chariot block approach is probably better, i do like the prince&guard block pt sink. 

and heres some that youve already seen:


l4, motz, disc, cshield, 4++, scroll, +1 to hit sword, 3rd eye. bad breath

exalted, mot, eshield, 5++, fear sword
exalted, mon, steed, flail, shield, mr3, iicon, burning body

2x5 wolves, vanguard
16 kwarriors, muso & standard, flaming banner
15 twarrriors, full command, shields

9 knights, monurgle, full command, e/weapons, gleaming pennant

5 crushers, muso & standard, e/weapons, banner of swiftness

thats the foot version, theres a fast version too:

l4, motz, disc, dragonhelm, 4++, scroll, +1 to hit sword, 3rd eye. bad breath

exalted, mok, bsb, jugger, charmed shield, collar of khorne
exalted, mon, steed, flail, shield, mr3, iicon, burning body

3x5 wolves, vanguard
4x mon chariots

9 knights, monurgle, full command, e/weapons, gleaming pennant

5 crushers, muso & standard, e/weapons, banner of swiftness


gote, fparmour, s, bwhorse, fear sword, cocommand, 4++
l4, light, scroll

cote, bsb, fparmour, eshield, dawnstone
 wp, gw, ha, opal amulet, ii
wp, ha, bwhorse, cshield
wh, bop, potion of i

10 icks, fc, steel fanny
30 hals, fc
10 hand gunners
10 hand gunners

32 gs, fc, gleaming pennis
det 16 swordsmen



slann, +1 pd, loremaster light, ethereal, bsb, cupped hands, blood statuette

spriest, scroll
scar vet, la&eshield, burning blade, curse charm

2x11 skirmies
2x12 skirmies
23 rus,fc
24 skinks/3 krox skrox

2x4 terras
2x5 chammies

2x2 razzors

vlord, asf, red furry slippers, 4++armour, postrength, ahw
l4, scroll

necro, vamps, flamin' rod
2x bansheez

33 ghouls, ghast
2x20 zombies, muso & standard
3x5 wolves

30 gguard, fc, botbarrows, g/w
2x2 fellbats
6 hexes


crunch crunch crunch. i put 10 chaos knights together last night, so will be getting cracking on them and the final 2 crushers next. hopefully some wip soon

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

A shirts off retrospective

well well,

its funny how things go in cycles, ay? i started this blog back in september, after starting work at a shitty, shitty call centre. it only took me 7 months to grow to hate it so much, that i resigned without finding another job first.

for god's sake, don't tell my folks - they'd kill me!
now, 7 months later, we are up to 6500 views, and post number 100... on the day i finish work here. LOL

I think theres literally only three things i could write 100 posts about; warhammer, conspiracy theories, and my favourite euphemism - american 'foreign policy', so be thankful ive stayed on topic this whole time.

Its been a pretty exceptional 7 months of hammering though, scooping up a killer nerd posse asap by staking out all the nerd holes in an urban gillies suit with a weighted net, and a trail of bits leading around the corner. ive gone to all sorts of tournaments, all over the place, and met some of the big names and characters of the oz scene.
and of course who can forget us kicking in the door, waving the .44 at the vicc with the australian part of the shirts off family, slaughtering all who opposed us, and leaving with the crown? well i know hampton wont be forgetting that anytime soon :p
ive got two new armies on the go since arriving in oz, one thats nearly all painted, another that isnt, but doesnt require anything else but painting, and numerous tweaks on existing lists.

Speaking of which, heres that listy round up i been talking about:


l4, motz, disc, cshield, 4++, scroll, +1 to hit sword, 3rd eye. bad breath

exalted, mot, eshield, 5++, fear sword
exalted, mon, steed, flail, shield, mr3, iicon, burning body

2x5 wolves, vanguard
16 kwarriors, muso & standard, flaming banner
15 twarrriors, full command, shields

9 knights, monurgle, full command, e/weapons, gleaming pennant

5 crushers, muso & standard, e/weapons, banner of swiftness

thats the foot version, theres a fast version too:

l4, motz, disc, dragonhelm, 4++, scroll, +1 to hit sword, 3rd eye. bad breath

exalted, mok, bsb, jugger, charmed shield, collar of khorne
exalted, mon, steed, flail, shield, mr3, iicon, burning body

3x5 wolves, vanguard
4x mon chariots

9 knights, monurgle, full command, e/weapons, gleaming pennant

5 crushers, muso & standard, e/weapons, banner of swiftness

good luck with blood and glory + watchtower eh? just need me 4 chariots sigh. notice the lack of chimeras. i cant look my unpainted one in the eye, like a red haired step child.
both lists are vunerable to cannons and killing blow, but big pts sinks, and scary, mr3 units.

then ive got empire:

gote, fparmour, s, bwhorse, fear sword, cocommand, 4++
l4, light, scroll

cote, bsb, fparmour, eshield, dawnstone
 wp, gw, ha, opal amulet, ii
wp, ha, bwhorse, cshield
wh, bop, potion of i

10 icks, fc, steel fanny
30 hals, fc
10 hand gunners
10 hand gunners

32 gs, fc, gleaming pennis
det 16 swordsmen


so basically using what ive got. i dont want to spend any more $ on this list, so i reckon thats the best i can do with what ive got.


slann, +1 pd, loremaster light, ethereal, bsb, cupped hands, blood statuette

spriest, scroll
scar vet, la&eshield, burning blade, curse charm

2x11 skirmies
2x12 skirmies
23 rus,fc
24 skinks/3 krox skrox

2x4 terras
2x5 chammies

2x2 razzors

some pretty fundamental changes here, shedding the last of the big pt sink units, getting more and more prickley and poisoney chaff, and putting a lot of eggs in an ethereal basket. might change the blood statuette for the 2++ upgrade on the slann, but there are so many low t l4's out there its worth a hoon

then the continually hypothetical vc:

vlord, asf, red furry slippers, 4++armour, postrength, ahw
l4, scroll

necro, vamps, flamin' rod
2x bansheez

33 ghouls, ghast
2x20 zombies, muso & standard
3x5 wolves

30 gguard, fc, botbarrows, g/w
2x2 fellbats
6 hexes


the lil bit of everything vc list. i dont get to run this much, but will be planning on ub'ing it a lot more. enough chaff, some pt sinks, loads of screamz, something for everyone

as for the trusty ong, there is minor tinkering to be done, but havent done it yet lol. spending too much time in smokey montages with the woc book.
so yeah, thats where i am at the mo, and as of next week ill be enjoying a lil touch of unemployment, finally get some paintin' time lol.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Take it off tuesdays: woc vs tk

off to gregs last night for our tuesday night 2 hour bash, yep, its woc vs tk again! this time, we're both running new knight units. gregs dropped some horse archers and the titan for 4 necro knights, ive dropped both chims and a hellcannon for 9 nurgle knights and an exalted with a few tricks, notably mr 3, and lore of tz on the l4
battleline and greg goes first, getting a vengeance on my knights. at this point it becomes a game of 'who can kill the other persons new stuff first'. i scroll a casket, and he shoots all the hounds.

my turn i if a gateway at his knights, doing 10 wounds at s7, with warpflame accounting for the last two wounds on the unit. i remember my lore attribute, charmed shield the s6 hit, and do another couple wounds to a scorp with a bolt of change

greg then continues to vengeance my knights, and dickmoves the harchers in front of the crushers. casket goes through, doing little, although getting a wound on the l4. he makes a bunch of failed charges, apart from the kitty who wins against the kwar, who hold on steadfast.

i then charge my knights into his scorp, overrunning into the chariots. crushers phase out harchers and reform. twar beat scorp and overrun, and final kwar runs off the board with a wounded kitty in pursuit.

greg then has a whopper of a magic phase, dessicating the knights by 3, and giving kb on the chariots. ruh roh. stalkers then come up and do another wound to my l4, who scoots off towards the archers for some bad breath. chariots kill the knights and overrun into the crushers. tsk tsk ben, bad positioning. in fact, i dont know why they were on that flank in the first place. regardless

twar cant quite phase out the skellies they charge, i if another gateway onto a kitty, do nothing, and roll double 1's for a ward reroll and dies. sigh. lose a couple crushers and flee, rally, get charged again

kitty goes into twar, kb's the bsb, and grinds the unit out

it wouldnt be a tk game with greg without his hierophant falling down the hole, and he does last turn, crumbling the last wound off the wounded kitty. chariots win again but lone crusher gets away, and thats the last and only thing i have on the table lol

well done greg.. we both got the secondary objective of killing the new toys lol
feeling a bit hhhhrm.. about a 450pt l4, but hes less vunerable to the dprinces imo, my l4 is vunerable to two things: scr and miscasts. but yeah, ill post a full break down of this woc list, and the new lists ive been tinkering on next.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Dark emissary

sorry for the radio silence gang, been busy on the night shifts, and not too much done in the way of progress.

off to gw camberwell yesterday for another 1500 per player doubles tourney with greg. we were running the usual nastiness:

Liche Priest Hierophant LVL 2, Dispel Scroll and Opal Amulet 145pts
20x skeleton archers musician and standard 140pts
20x skeleton archers musician and standard 140pts
8x chariots musician and standard with banner of swiftness 475pts
Khemrian Warsphinx with fiery roar 230pts
Khemrian Warsphinx with fiery roar 230pts
casket of souls 135pts

 orc l4, scroll, opal amulet, ironcurse icon                               245
sorc l1, shrunken head 120
blorc big boss, obsidian talisman, relic sword, 115
gobbo big boss, gigantic spider, la&shield, spear, dragonhelm 91     326
24 savage orc big uns, full command, ahw, big stabba 319
5 spider riders 65                                                                   384
2x1 troll 70
2x1 wolf chariot 100                                                              170
2x doom diver 160
2x mangler 130
lobba 85                                                                              375

normal brb missions, except you nominate an infantry model to be your dark emissary, worth extra vps if you got it in the enemy deployment zone.
this time round, everyone had on their big boy pants, and there was some horrible lists there. damien from gw melbourne painted up a horde of horrors just for the occasion:

oh, the horror. more on that later.
first up we drew a real horror show of a double de list. lord on manti with pendant, double l4s, fire and death, one with another pendant, loadsa chaff, couple med sized xbows, small shades, small warrior bunker - and 4 hydras. sigh
battleline, with shirts off going first.

we kill a tonne of chaff, lobba blows up, and i foot the hell out of any sizable unit.

they kill our chaff, and move up the fantastic 4. they burn two hydra breath's to nab a mangler on 1 wound

greg then caskets the manticore off, and we try some hydra bashing. chariots get nailed, savages overrun into the flank of one, another kills a kitty. eep!

savages get another hydra in the rear, and xbows in the flank. i lose, but outrun all three on a 9. thank fuck.
gregs already lost everything bar a kitty, who charge through a tiny gap, runs into the death l4, and kb's her, and our oppponents roll a 6 for the pendant. i also doom diver the other l4 and put spiderboss in the flank of the archers, killing half the first round, then getting k/b'd himself the 2nd.

savages rally and are handed to the other side of the board to get the dark emissary pts, then occupy a building. i have my savages and characters left, greg has a kitty. kitty kills a hydra somehow and runs away, and savages in the building kill another that charges them in anger

and its a win to shirts off warhammer. a pretty brief batrep, but you get the idea. 4 hydras= bad news

next up on the same table, dawn attack vs doc and vc, the 'bloods and crypts'. lol.
this is the crypt horror horde army, with a l3 vamp, corpse cart, some chaff, while the doc have 40 letters with a herald, some chaff, and 5 crushers. they go first
no shooting and minimal magic, we are glad we took 2 scrolls. they move up, we move back.

we move back, casket a lil, doom diver a crusher or two. no foot. plan b, redirect the horrors, shoot the letters!

more of the same, they move up, we move back and dickmove the horrors. kill a few letters with shooting\

of course i miss a photo of a key turn. they roll a 4 for magic, lowering the doc ward saves by 1. greg dessicates the letter horde that turn, and a direct lobba hit and 40 shots later, we halve the unit. they then make two 11" charges into the closest archers, but cant kill em all and they crumble. we bail out our mages, i dickmove spiderboss to block, and we counter charge the crushers with two chariots and a kitty. do i roll boxcars for impact hits? yes!  they kill a chariot but we kill em all, allowing a chariot to overrun into the other unit who gets killed, then kitty goes in next turn and finishes letter unit.

horrors take the bait and charge chaff, giving flank to nonchalant chariot block. they go in with a kitty and kill about half, after rez. we hand of gork the savages to their deployment zone, and horror combat continues, with neither side losing pts from it, but dropping down to a couple chariots and 6 horrors. i think they may have if'd and fallen down the hole with the vamp last turn too

so another win to shirts off, along with the bonus pts. after some quick math, we figured we'd either be fighting james and aaron's vc/woc, or the so called 'pants off warhammer' consisting of that loveable giant dave jury smith, and our very own james milner, who was drafted in when nick hoen pulled out. no hard feelings james, you are a wandering wargamer after all - who had he and we, or as is more anagramically apt: 'whee'
turns out the pants off trollsters hadnt got the dark emissary pts in their first game, so we were facing vc/woc. cant remember the name sorry dudes, im sure it was a cracker. no vargheist horde for james this time, but they had loads of chaff, includding some hexwraiths - which scared the shit outta us - small crusher unit, terrorgheist, and a big ol bus of slaanesh knights, with a l4 in there, and two vamps. meeting engagement with us going first. and yeah, same table 3 games in a row.

didnt start with too much off the board, but they were down a vlord. cue the casket.

killed a fair amount of chaff, but crucially, not all the hexes. dd a crusher, lobba only does 2 wounds to gheist. we throw a chariot to the knight bus

hexes then charge a chariot off the board, they gheist scream one mangler, and suicide some dogs onto the other one. last crusher charges a troll and overruns in front of the savages, and they snipe a wound from the hierophant. chariot dies fairly predictably

kitties go on a rampage on the opposite flank to the knight bus, while i king hit the gheist with a lobba, and move spiderboss up to block bus after a 22" hand moves the chariots off to get some easy pts and out of harms way.
then, things take a turn for the worse. dd misfires, rolling a 5, and killing the spiderboss blocking the bus. ruh roh. not going make THAT mistake again.

fortunately for us, our opponents fail to roll a swiftstride 6 into the savages, and we are safe to if another hand, getting them out the way, and into their deployment zone for the bonus pts. lose my l4 to a dimensional cascade, but its the last turn and theres now a troll in the way of the bus

victory to shirts off warhammer, in a nail biter of a last game. bad luck on both sides at crucial moments was the key here lol.

so when it was all said and done, we narrowly pipped the so called 'pants off warhammer' for the top spot, only on account of us hand of gorking the savages around into deployment zones late game every game, and getting all three sets of bonus points. forget the foot, its the hand for the win!

not a bad days work, cashed in me winnings for some more woc stuff, but more on that later. thanks to camberwell gw, and thanks to our opponents for some tough as games.
also not a bad couple of month's worth of gaming for shirts off warhammer either, with two firsts and a second placing out of three doubles/teams tournaments.

now its time to sharpen my choppas and see if the same can be done for the upcoming singles tourneys, a much tougher proposition without a casket! will give empire in flames this weekend a miss, as much as i love tournaments 4 weekends in a row, i also love sleep ins. will definately go down and check it out though, maybe flash dave and james a lil nipple if they're lucky. then theres a 2999 pt 5 game tourney at the end of nec month that im scribbling all sorts of horror out for, and then the biggie - convic - in june i think? i dunno. plenty more to come!

next, ive got a little skrox progress, but some new, improved, and quite mucky lists. so stay tuned, or else i'll come over there, and take that shirt off. shirts off warhammer!